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About Discover Wellness Chiropractic Center

Our History

Dr. Mike and Dr. Sara: A Dynamic Chiropractic Duo

Welcome to Discover Wellness Chiropractic Center! We are Dr. Mike and Dr. Sara, a married couple who share a deep passion for chiropractic care and helping others achieve optimal health and wellness. Together, we form a dynamic team dedicated to providing exceptional care and personalized treatment to our patients. Allow us to introduce ourselves and give you a glimpse into our lives.

A Love Rooted in Chiropractic:

Our journey began in chiropractic school, where we first met and discovered a shared love for the healing power of chiropractic medicine. As we embarked on this educational journey together, our connection grew stronger, and we realized that our mutual passion for holistic health extended beyond the classroom. It was during these formative years that we knew we were destined to become partners in both life and in our chiropractic practice.

Balancing Family and Profession:

In addition to our commitment to chiropractic care, we are blessed with a beautiful son who brings immense joy to our lives. As parents, we understand the importance of finding balance and prioritizing our family’s well-being. We cherish every moment spent together, whether it’s hiking in nature, embarking on exciting family adventures, or simply enjoying quality time at home. Our shared love for travel and exploring new local events allows us to create lasting memories with our son and instill in him a sense of curiosity and adventure.

Passionate about Holistic Health:

Our shared passion for chiropractic care goes beyond the clinic. We firmly believe in the power of a holistic approach to health and wellness, incorporating not only spinal adjustments but also lifestyle modifications, exercise, and nutrition into our patients’ treatment plans. By addressing the root cause of health issues and empowering individuals to take control of their well-being, we strive to guide our patients on a path towards vibrant health and a higher quality of life.

Continual Growth and Education:

As lifelong learners, we are committed to staying at the forefront of chiropractic knowledge and techniques. We regularly attend seminars and engage in professional development opportunities to expand our skills and enhance our ability to serve our patients. By combining our expertise and staying abreast of the latest advancements in chiropractic care, we ensure that our patients receive the highest standard of treatment and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Join Us on Your Journey to Wellness:

Whether you are seeking relief from pain, recovering from an injury, or striving for overall wellness, Dr. Mike and Dr. Sara are here to support you every step of the way. With our combined expertise, genuine care, and dedication to your well-being, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal health and live life to the fullest. Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey towards wellness.happy person with arms outstretched

Your Body’s Self-Healing

At Discover Wellness Chiropractic Center, we believe your body can do anything when interference is removed. A paper cut is a good analogy: when you first get one, it stings and burns, and you notice it all the time. Then, within a few days, it’s gone, and you can’t even tell where it was because your body healed itself.

Most of us don’t think twice about our body’s ability to heal from a paper cut—we just expect it. The truth is, your body can heal from much more serious conditions! But when your spine isn’t in the proper alignment, tension in the nervous system results. And when your nervous system is impaired, the other systems of your body can’t work as they’re supposed to, and your body’s ability to heal itself diminishes.

Our goal is to get your body into the best alignment and position possible to relieve that tension on the nervous system and allow your body to heal itself.

Giving People Their Life Back

A recent success story is a woman who was traveling and experiencing constant headaches. At her wit’s end, she contacted our office and explained her situation. Dr. Michael suffered with chronic headaches himself before he discovered chiropractic care, so he understood how frustrated the woman felt. She came in, and before Dr. Michael was even finished adjusting her neck, her headache completely resolved.

Schedule Today

Chiropractic care can address many conditions beyond typical neck and back pain. Contact us today to book a Saturday or same-day appointment to see if chiropractic care could help you!

About Discover Wellness Chiropractic Center | (215) 368-7771