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Massage Therapy at
Discover Wellness Chiropractic Center

person getting shoulder massageMassage therapy doesn’t just feel great, it’s also a powerful healing modality—especially when used in conjunction with chiropractic care. At Discover Wellness Chiropractic Center, we recommend massage therapy for anyone with tight muscles, trigger points, adhesions (scar tissue) from injuries or surgery, and anyone who wants to feel more relaxed, calm and at ease.

While chiropractic care restores proper alignment to the spinal joints, massage can help the soft tissue surrounding those joints relax and regain proper length. Relaxing your muscles before an adjustment can make the adjustment easier and more effective. And when the muscles aren’t tight, they aren’t as likely to pull the spine back out of alignment, so massage therapy can help your body hold adjustments longer.

You do not have to be a chiropractic patient to receive massage therapy. If you are already a chiropractic patient, Dr. Michael may recommend massage if you’ve had surgery, are an athlete, or are older and have trouble with tightness/range of motion.

Our Approach

We offer deep tissue massage tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our therapist may use elbows, forearms and thumbs to achieve the best results. We typically recommend wearing shorts and a loose-fitting shirt, so the shirt can be easily removed for working the mid-back and shoulders.

Deep tissue massage is designed to work out knots and muscle tightness, so there may be some slight discomfort as these areas are released. It’s important to drink plenty of water after your massage to help facilitate muscle healing.

Our massage therapist is skilled at finding areas of tension and trigger points. She is particularly experienced at working with chiropractic practice members to help the muscles relax prior to an adjustment. She will also work on any areas of tension that you want her to focus on.

Book Today

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our massage therapist.

Massage Therapy Lansdale PA | (215) 368-7771